The Boniface Centre is eminently practical and flexible. housing three sizeable function rooms which can be used independently or they can readily be converted into a single large hall. It also houses the Parish Office.

The Centre is a multi-purpose building, and can accommodate functions for anything between 10 and 200 people. Many county-wide organisations (including committees of both County and District Councils) use it for meetings, seminars, conferences, training days and fund raising purposes.


The Boniface Centre, about 50 yards east of the church, was completed in 1991. Its cost was met largely by funds raised locally, including the sale of the former “Church Workers Institute”. There were several bequests, in particular from a local doctor, John Markby, and generous help from Boniface connections in Sarasota, Florida and Dokkum in the Netherlands where Boniface was marytred. The three function rooms have been christened “Sarasota”, “Dokkum” and “Fulda” – the last after the city in Germany where Boniface is buried. In 2011 solar photo voltaic panels were installed, helping to reduce our carbon footprint.

The Centre is also used for church services, wedding receptions, parties and other diverse activities to raise funds for the church – such as coffee mornings, jumble sales, bingo, book sales and quizzes and social gatherings of many other different kinds.

1 The centre from the tower of Holy Cross

This is a very disabled-friendly building. There are no ramps, and it is equipped with a toilet for the disabled, a hearing loop system and a sophisticated, but easy-to-use, public address system.

The kitchen is very large and well equipped, the Centre has 26 trestle tables (with others of different shapes) for sit-down meals or to spread out paperwork, seating for up to 200, staging and many other facilities.


For more details of what the Boniface Centre can offer or to make a booking, please contact Robin Lavery 01363 – 772536 – email

Boniface Centre, Church Lane, Crediton, Devon, EX17 2AH