
Friends of Crediton Parish Church support through providing additional finance for fixtures, fittings, ornaments, furniture and monuments for the church and its precincts in addition to supporting any other scheme in connection with the safety, beauty and utility of the church.

In furtherance of our objectives, we have provided regular financial support for the Roof Appeal (in excess of £36,000 as of 2024), the Music Endowment Fund,  the Church Flower Arrangers, Church cleaning and heating and Churchyard maintenance.

In addition, during the last few years we have financed or made a substantial contribution towards:  

  • Essential maintenance of the organ
  • New Hymn Books and Daily Prayer Books
  • Altar Frontals
  • Organ maintenance
  • Vergers’ Gowns
  • New Vestments and Servers’ Albs
  • New Collection Purses
  • Display Boards and Tables
  • Sound System and Streaming
  • New Bell Ropes
  • Security and Window Protection
  • Churchyard improvements
  • Seat in Churchyard near the main gate,
  • New Piano for Lady Chapel

At the east end of the north aisle is the Chapel of the Friends of Crediton Church. This was formerly the Chapel of St. Nicholas. The chairs and carpet here were provided by the Friends a number of years ago.

Join the Friends

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The Friends of Crediton Church were instituted in May 1937 at the instigation of the Twelve Governors of the Hereditaments and Goods of the Church of Crediton. The Governors are the successors of the original twelve who were created by the Charter of 1547, granted by Edward V1 in return for a payment of £200. This Charter granted the Church and the Churchyard to all those who dwell within the boundaries of the ancient parish of Crediton. The Governors are Trustees on behalf of all such inhabitants and were given land to provide endowments for the maintenance of the building and the churchyard. Over the years the land has been converted into invested capital which provides a regular income, but never enough to meet present day demands; hence the foundation of the Friends. The Constitution provides for a Council consisting of representatives of the Governors, the PCC, the Town Council and the Clergy. This is the holding body, and the day-to-day work is done by an Executive Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting.

Becoming a Friend

To become a Friend the minimum subscription is £5 (in 1937 it was 1 shilling!); there are a number of ways of contributing which enable the Committee to budget and make realistic recommendations to the members. Life membership is to be had for a single donation of £125. Other donations are always welcome and several members have remembered the Friends in their wills. All money is invested in approved Trustee funds and in general only the interest is spent annually.

Until 1970, much of the Friends’ money was spent on assisting with fabric repairs; a typical contribution was to make the South Transept door and turret waterproof. At that date the Restoration Committee was formed: this took over some of the repairs of buildings although the Friends still contributed to releading many of the roofs and the repairs to water pipes and gutters. Projects funded by the Friends in past decades include the building of wooden screens in the Friends’ Chapel and the entrance to the Lady Chapel from the south choir aisle, the provision of a loop system for the deaf, of new hymn books for choir and congregation, and in the churchyard new mowers and strimmers.

In 1987 there were special celebrations for the Friends’ Jubilee, but every year, on the Sunday nearest to Holy Cross Day, there is a Festival Evensong and Social Gathering afterwards. During the year we have held several coffee mornings whose purpose is of course to raise money but more importantly to meet together and feel that we are of one purpose.

Crediton Church has been inherited by the whole town. Amongst the Friends are well-wishers from all denominations or none, from businesses and other organisations: some from further afield have recognised the church as part of our national heritage.  It is important to continue the work to provide a fit place for the worship of God and to carry on his work which has existed for so many centuries in this place.


If you would like to join the Friends, please download the FoCC membership form for website, complete it and return it to the Friends’ Treasurer, Mike Beskeen. If you have any queries at all about the Friends, please telephone him on (01363) 774017

Our Data Privacy Notice is available from the Friends membership secretary. Membership data held is used to issue invitations to the Annual General Meeting and Friends’ Evensong and to maintain financial records.  It is not shared with third parties and is covered under Article 9 of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).