Boniface in Images..
Various images of Saint Boniface in Holy Cross, throughout Crediton and further afield…
The Birth of Winfrith at Crediton AD680/ Holy Cross East Window.
Winfrith enters a monastery at Exeter/ Holy Cross East Window
Winfrith living as a monk at Nursling/ Holy Cross East Window.
Pope Gregory II gives Winfrith the name Boniface.
Boniface fells Thor’s Oak at Geismar/ Holy Cross East Window
Boniface crowning Pepin King of all Franks/ Holy Cross East Window
Martyrdom of Boniface at Dokkum AD754/ Holy Cross East Window
Monks at Fulda receiving Boniface body for burial/ Holy Cross East Window
Boniface Statue in Newcombes Meadow, Crediton
50th anniversary prayers at the Boniface Statue 24th July 2010
An effigy of St Boniface by Witold Kavalek in Holy Cross
Relief of Boniface felling Thor’s Oak in St Boniface RC Church, Crediton
Woollen banner depicting Boniface as an old man in Benedictine habit. Made by Penelope Bray.
Boniface with outstreched arms gazing up at a transfigured cross. Artist Ernst Degasperri.
Relic of St Boniface in Dokkum
© Bouwe Brouwer CC Licence
Detail from the mosaic floor of Worcester College chapel, Oxford
© Lawrence OP CC Licence