Search for a Saxon Cathedral

Using a grant made to the PCC from the Heritage Lottery Fund a search was made in the summer 2007 for the site of the Saxon Crediton Cathedral. Although the survey was completed in 2007, the project continued until 2009, when a Festival of Crediton was held to celebrate the 1,100th anniversary of the founding of the cathedral.

About half the grant was spent on the geophysical survey by GSB Prospection of the church building, the churchyard, the car park and the gardens of nearby houses to try to find the site of Crediton Cathedral. The method used was ground-penetrating radar (GPR).

In part because of the terrible weather in the summer of 2007, the results were a little disappointing. It however, now seems very likely that the present church was built on the site of the wooden cathedral – although the evidence for this wasn’t firm enough to allow any sort of archaeological exploration.

The grant was also used to fund:

1. A series of talks relating to the history of Holy Cross
2. Events, such as a “Finds day” (operated by the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter)
3. An Antiques Valuation Day conducted by a local auctioneer
4. A programme of tours of the church was also organised

5. The production of an education pack (distributed to 15 local primary schools)
6. The production of a professionally made DVD on the history of Holy Cross
7. A professionally produced exhibition of the history of the church


The exhibition (lit by movement-sensitive lamps) is now on display in the north-choir aisle. On the wall opposite is an exact replica of the brass of Canon William Langeton (the original is in Exeter Cathedral), an early benefactor of the church. This has been mounted with an explanatory panel.

In addition, five other replica brasses were bought from Exeter Cathedral for use in education work on open days.

Over its three years the project helped to increase local knowledge and awareness of the church and its history. The DVD, the exhibition (with the facsimile of the Langeton brass), the replica brasses and the education pack are its permanent benefits.

For a preview of the video and details of how to get a copy of the Holy Cross DVD can be found here