Diary for 2025
Holy Communion will be celebrated according to the BCP at 8.00am every Sunday.
Wednesday 1 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 3 | 11.00am | Martin Rice |
Saturday 4 | 10.00am | Baptism preparation |
Sunday 5 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
11.30am | Baptism | |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer | |
Monday 6 | 10-11.00am | Organ Practice |
4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice | |
Tuesday 7 | 3-4pm | Piano Lesson in the Lady Chapel |
Wednesday 8 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
12.00pm | Thanksgiving Service for Chris Allard | |
7.30pm | PCC Meeting | |
Friday 10 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 12 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 13 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
7.30-9.00pm | North Creedy Choral Society Rehearsal | |
Tuesday 14 | 9.30am | Bible Storytellers |
2.00pm | Thanksgiving service for Diane Pring | |
Wednesday 15 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 16 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Friday 17 | 11.00am | Funeral of Eileen Huxtable |
6-8.30pm | Choir practice | |
Saturday 18 | 2-3.30pm | Exeter & District Organists Association |
Sunday 19 | 9.30pm | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Epiphany Carols | |
Monday 20 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Tuesday 21 | 3-4.00pm | Piano lesson in the Lady Chapel |
Wednesday 22 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 24 | 10.00am | Piano Tuning in church |
6-8.30pm | Choir practice | |
Saturday 25 | 10-12noon | St John Passion rehearsal |
Sunday 26 | 9.30pm | Parish Communion |
12-5.00pm | St Boniface Concert Society AGM | |
4.30-5.45pm | Visiting ringers | |
6.00pm | Compline | |
Monday 27 | 2.00pm | Funeral of Sir George Earle |
4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice | |
Tuesday 28 | All day | Replacement Gas Heater in church |
Wednesday 29 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
11.30am | Meeting in church | |
Thursday 30 | 2-3.00pm | Piano lesson in the Lady Chapel |
Friday 31 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 1 | 10.00am | Baptism Preparation in church |
3-5.00pm | North Creedy Choral Society workshop | |
Sunday 2 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
6.00pm | Choral Evensong for Candlemas | |
Monday 3 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
7-9.00pm | MEF Trustees meeting in the Lady Chapel | |
Wednesday 5 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 6 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Friday 7 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 8 | 7.00pm | Wine Tasting Evening |
Sunday 9 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 10 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
7.30-9.00pm | North Creedy Choral Society Rehearsal | |
Wednesday 12 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | PCC Meeting | |
Friday 14 | 10.00am | Interment of Ashes in the Churchyard |
4.00pm | Concert set up | |
6-8.30pm | Choir practice | |
Saturday 15 | All day | St John Passion |
Sunday 16 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
1.00pm | Stewardship Lunch | |
3.00pm / 6.00pm | RSCM Choral Evensong | |
Monday 17 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 19 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 20 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Friday 21 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 23 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Compline | |
Monday 24 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 26 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | The Well Worship with Exeter Network Church | |
Friday 28 | 10.30am | Going for as Sing |
6-8.30pm | Choir practice | |
MARCH | ||
Saturday 1 | 3.30-5.30pm | Visiting ringers |
Sunday 2 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
6.00pm | Choral Evensong | |
Monday 3 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Tuesday 4 | 9.30am | Bible Storytellers |
Wednesday 5 | 10.30am | Ash Wednesday Eucharist in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | Eucharist for Ash Wednesday with imposition of ashes | |
Thursday 6 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Friday 7 | 2.00pm | World Day of Prayer service |
6-8.30pm | Choir practice | |
Sunday 9 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
Choir AGM | ||
6.00pm | Evening Prayer at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 10 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
7.30-9.00pm | North Creedy Choral Society Rehearsal | |
Wednesday 12 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 14 | Pm / eve | Arts Centre performance by Lady Maisery |
Sunday 16 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Sacred Space | |
Monday 17 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 19 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | PCC Meeting | |
Thursday 20 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
eve | Arts Centre (tbc) | |
Friday 21 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 23 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Compline | |
Monday 24 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 26 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | The Well Worship with Exeter Network Church | |
Friday 28 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 29 | tbc | Peal attempt |
Pm / eve | Arts Centre | |
Sunday 30 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
Monday 31 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
APRIL | ||
Wednesday 2 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 3 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Saturday 5 | 10-1.00pm | Craft Fair |
11.00am | Wedding | |
Pm / eve | North Creedy Choral Society Spring Concert | |
Sunday 6 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
6.00pm | Choral Evensong | |
Monday 7 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 9 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | Annual Parochial Church Meeting | |
Saturday 12 | am | Concert rehearsal |
3 /4.00pm (tbc) | Concert in aid of the MEF by Jon Rawles & Sarah Quashie | |
Palm Sunday 13 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Sacred Space | |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 14 | 7.30pm | Devotional address and Compline |
Tuesday 15 | 7.30pm | Devotional address and Compline |
Wednesday 16 | 7.30pm | Devotional address and Compline |
Maundy Thursday 17 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
7.30pm | Eucharist of the Last Supper with Foot Washing | |
Good Friday 18 | 8.45am | Solemn Liturgy |
10.00am | Ecumenical Walk of Witness starting at St Boniface Church | |
2.00pm | The Last Hour reflection | |
Saturday 19 | 8.00pm | The Blessing of the Fire, Easter Vigil and Communion |
Easter Day 20 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer | |
Wednesday 23 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | The Well Worship with Exeter Network Church | |
Saturday 26 | 10am-12noon | Plant Sale and Coffee Morning |
Sunday 27 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
4.00pm | Evensong at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 28 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 30 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | Presence Worship with Exeter Network Church (tbc) | |
MAY | ||
Thursday 1 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Sunday 4 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
6.00pm | Choral Evensong | |
Monday 5 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 7 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 9 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 11 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 12 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 14 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | PCC Meeting | |
Thursday 15 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Friday 16 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 18 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Sacred Space | |
Monday 19 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 21 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | The Well Worship with Exeter Network Church | |
Friday 23 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 25 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
3.00pm | St Boniface Concert Society: Fibonacci Quartet | |
6.00pm | Compline | |
w/c Monday 26 | all day | Festival set up |
4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice | |
Wednesday 28 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | Presence Worship with Exeter Network Church (tbc) | |
Thursday 29 | 7.30pm | Ascension Day Holy Communion |
Friday 30 | All day | Summer festival |
6-8.30pm | Choir practice | |
Saturday 31 | All day | Summer festival |
JUNE | ||
Sunday 1 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
6.00pm | Choral Evensong | |
Mon 2- Thu 5 | All day | Summer festival (tbc) |
Monday 2 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 4 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 5 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Friday 6 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 8 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer (BCP) at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 9 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Tuesday 10 | 10.30am | Retired Clergy Association |
Wednesday 11 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | PCC Meeting | |
Thursday 12 | 7.30pm | St Boniface Concert Society: Gerard Flotats & Julian Chan |
Friday 13 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 14 | tbc | Concert with Exeter Cathedral & Holy Cross choirs |
Sunday 15 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Sacred Space | |
Monday 16 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 18 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 19 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Friday 20 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 21 | 11.30am | Wedding |
Sunday 22 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Compline | |
Monday 23 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 25 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | The Well Worship with Exeter Network Church | |
Friday 27 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 28 | All day | CreditonArtsAlive |
Sunday 29 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
3.00pm | St Boniface Concert Society: Portrait Players | |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer with hymns | |
Monday 30 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
JULY | ||
Thursday 3 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Sunday 6 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
6.00pm | Choral Evensong | |
Monday 7 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 9 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 11 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 13 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
3.00pm | St Boniface Concert Society: Corvus Consort | |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 14 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 16 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 17 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Friday 18 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 19 | eve | Bingo |
Sunday 20 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Sacred Space | |
Monday 21 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 23 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 25 – 27 | Choir singing at Lichfield Cathedral | |
Sunday 27 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
3.00pm | Deanery LLM Service | |
6.00pm | Compline | |
Monday 28 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 30 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Sunday 3 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer with hymns | |
Wednesday 6 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 7 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Sunday 10 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Patronal Evensong at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Wednesday 13 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Sunday 17 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Sacred Space | |
Wednesday 20 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 21 | 2.15-3.45pm | Julian Prayer Meeting |
Sunday 24 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Compline | |
Sunday 31 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer with hymns | |
Monday 1 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Saturday 6 | 10.00-2.00pm | Craft Fair |
tbc | Wedding tbc | |
Sunday 7 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
6.00pm | Friends’ of Crediton Church Choral Evensong | |
Monday 8 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 10 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Thursday 11 | 7.30pm | St Boniface Concert Society: Magnus Noble (Classical Guitar) |
Friday 12 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 13 | Heritage Open Day (tbc) | |
Sunday 14 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 15 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 17 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 19 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 21 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Sacred Space | |
Monday 22 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 24 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 26 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 28 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Compline | |
Monday 29 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 1 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 3 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 5 | 9.30am | Harvest All Age Worship |
6.00pm | Harvest Choral Evensong | |
7.15pm | Harvest Supper | |
Monday 6 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 8 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
7.30pm | PCC Meeting | |
Thursday 9 | 7.30-9.00pm | Visiting Ringers |
Friday 10 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 12 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Evening Prayer at St Lawrence Chapel | |
Monday 13 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 15 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 17 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 19 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Sacred Space | |
Monday 20 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 22 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 24 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 25 | 10.50am | Dedication of the Garden of Remembrance |
2.00pm | Wedding Blessing (tbc) | |
Sunday 26 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Compline | |
Monday 27 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 29 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
NOVEMBER 2025 | ||
Sunday 2 | 9.30am | All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre |
6.00pm | All Souls Service | |
Monday 3 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 5 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 7 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 8 | tbc | Remembrance Sunday rehearsal |
Sunday 9 | 10.00am | Civic Service of Remembrance |
6.00pm | Requiem Eucharist / Choral Evensong | |
Monday 11 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 12 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 14 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 16 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Sacred Space | |
Monday 17 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 19 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 21 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Saturday 22 | 10-2.00pm | St Nicholas Fair |
Sunday 23 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Compline | |
Monday 24 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 26 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Sunday 30 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
6.00pm | Advent Procession | |
Monday 1 | All day | Christmas Tree Festival Set Up |
4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice | |
Tuesday 2 | All day | Christmas Tree Festival Set Up |
Wednesday 3 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
All day | Christmas Tree Festival Set Up | |
Thursday 4 | 11-6.00pm | Christmas Tree Festival |
Friday 5 | 11-6.00pm | Christmas Tree Festival |
6-8.30pm | Choir practice | |
Saturday 6 | 10.30-7.00pm | Christmas Tree Festival |
7.00pm | Tree Festival Concert by the Church Choir | |
Sunday 7 | 9.30am | All Age Worship |
11-6.00pm | Christmas Tree Festival | |
Monday 8 | All day | Christmas Tree Festival Clear up |
4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice | |
Wednesday 10 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Friday 12 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 14 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
3.00pm | Christingle | |
Monday 15 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Tuesday 16 | 9.30-11.30 | Haywards’ rehearsal |
2.00pm | Landscore School Carol Service | |
4.30-5.45pm | Organ Practice | |
5.45-7.00pm | Junior Choir practice | |
Wednesday 17 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
2.00pm | Haywards’ School Carol Service | |
Thursday 18 | 10.00am | QE Carol service Year 7 |
11.00am | QE Carol service Year 8 | |
Friday 19 | 6-8.30pm | Choir practice |
Sunday 21 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
3.00pm | Nine Lessons and Carols | |
Monday 22 | 4.00-7.15 | Junior Choir Practice |
Wednesday 24 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |
Christmas Eve | 4.30pm | Crib Service |
11.30pm | Midnight Mass | |
Thursday 25 | 10.00am | Parish Communion |
Christmas Day | ||
Sunday 28 | 9.30am | Parish Communion |
Wednesday 31 | 10.30am-11.30am | Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, followed by tea / coffee |