Sunday Morning Services

8.00am Holy Communion (1662 Prayer Book)
1st Sunday  All Age Worship in the Boniface Centre – NB this will occasionally  be a Eucharist in the church, please check the diary.
2nd – 5th Sundays Parish Eucharist with Sermon (CW)

Sunday Evening Services at 6.00pm

The Choir usually sing Choral Evensong (1662 Prayer Book) on the 1st Sunday. On the 2nd Sunday of the month evensong takes place at St Lawrence Chapel from March – October.  Sacred Space (reflective evening worship) is held on the 3rd Sunday.  Compline takes place on the 4th Sunday. There is a flexible programme of evening worship which is published on a monthly basis.  For further information please see the parish diary.

Weekday Services

During the week Holy Communion is celebrated at the following times:
Tuesday 8.15am in the Lady Chapel (CW)
Wednesday 10.30am in the Lady Chapel (CW)

Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel

Morning Prayer is said on Wednesday and Friday at 9.00am and Thursday at 8.15am.

For up to date service information please view the diary here

Baptisms and Weddings

Please see our section on Baptism and Weddings